IP Address Conflicts

There are some problems when using the installation methods described above and when using virtual networks: duplicate addresses and jails with the same network name but with different network address.


The problems described here are when using appjail-jail(1) to create a jail using the installation methods described in previous sections, but don't worry when using appjail-quick(1) because this command forcibly reserves an IP address.

appjail quick origin \
    virtualnet="db:origin default" \
    nat \
    mount_devfs \
    start \
appjail jail create -I clone+jail=origin@snap1 dup

appjail-jail(1) list shows the problem:

# appjail jail list | grep -Ee '(origin|dup)'
DOWN    dup          thin  13.1-RELEASE  -
UP      origin       thin  13.1-RELEASE  -

If you want to know the total number of duplicate IPs in a network, use appjail-network(1) hosts -d:

# appjail network hosts -dn db

To solves this problem, use appjail-network(1) reserve and use -a forceauto to get an available IP from the pool. You can use a specific IP address and AppJail will check if it is in a valid range and another jail does not use it. Do not use auto because it does not reserve an IP address when the jail already has one.

# appjail network reserve -j dup -n web -a forceauto

The problem has been solved:

# appjail jail list | grep -Ee '(origin|dup)'
DOWN    dup          thin  13.1-RELEASE  -
UP      origin       thin  13.1-RELEASE  -


A much easier way to solve the above problem is to use the appjail-network(1) fix dup command.

Another problem that can occur is when importing a jail that has a network with the same name as an existing one on the host, but with a different IP range.

# appjail jail list
DOWN    jtest        thin               13.1-RELEASE  -
DOWN    badwolf      thin               13.1-RELEASE  -
DOWN    php          thin               13.1-RELEASE  -
DOWN    mariadb      thin               13.1-RELEASE  -
DOWN    nginx        thin               13.1-RELEASE  -
DOWN    teleirc      thin               13.1-RELEASE  -

The above example reveals a big problem: jtest has a correct IP address, but badwolf, php, mariadb, nginx and teleirc have an invalid range since they were imported from another host. You can use the instructions explained earlier in the section, but AppJail has a useful command that simplifies this problem: appjail-network(1) fix addr.

# appjail network fix addr
[00:00:00] [ debug ] Fixing IPv4 addresses that are not in the development network ...
[00:00:03] [ debug ] Fixed: jail:teleirc, old:, new:
[00:00:05] [ debug ] Fixed: jail:php, old:, new:
[00:00:08] [ debug ] Fixed: jail:mariadb, old:, new:
[00:00:11] [ debug ] Fixed: jail:badwolf, old:, new:
[00:00:13] [ debug ] Fixed: jail:nginx, old:, new:

See also: