
The jng script uses some Netgraph nodes, such as ng_bridge(4) and ng_eiface(4) to attach an interface. AppJail can use this script to get the advantages of using Netgraph in jails.

AppJail will load the following kernel module before using this option:

  • ng_ether
appjail quick myjail \
    jng="myjail jext" \
    overwrite \

myjail is the name used for the links and jext is your interface that will be attached to the bridge. In the above example, jng will create a node named ng0_myjail and a bridge named jextbridge.


You need to install the jng script before using this option. Run install -m 555 /usr/share/examples/jails/jng /usr/local/bin/jng to install it.