
Makejail is a simple text file that automates the steps of creating a jail, generate an InitScript and a BuildScript.

Makejails are processed line by line, removing comments, empty lines and including the Makejails specified by INCLUDE (if any) in a single, temporary Makejail that is responsible for executing the rest of the supported instructions. See INCLUDE for more details.

Makejail files are divided in stages that can be changed using the STAGE instruction, which are actually functions as described in appjail-initscript(5), except the build stage which is not used by InitScript, but is used by the BuildScript. See appjail-makejail(1) for more details.

Let's create our first Makejail:


CMD echo "Hello, world!"

To run this Makejail, use appjail-makejail(1).

appjail makejail -f hello.makejail -j hello

Remember that the -f parameter can use the methods described in INCLUDE and if you do not use a name for the jail with -j, a random name is chosen.

# appjail start hello
# appjail run hello
[00:00:02] [ debug ] [hello] Running initscript `/usr/local/appjail/jails/hello/init` ...
Hello, world!
[00:00:03] [ debug ] [hello] cmd() exits with status code 0
[00:00:03] [ debug ] [hello] `/usr/local/appjail/jails/hello/init` exits with status code 0