Dependent Jails

AppJail can start jails before the jail we are specifying. It works in the same way as dependencies. For example, if we have the NGINX, MariaDB and PHP-FPM jails, we want to start MariaDB, PHP-FPM and NGINX in this order. The idea is to run appjail start nginx and AppJail will recursively start the nginx jail dependencies first.

We just have to put the depend parameter in the template and appjail-start(1) will do the job of starting dependencies.

appjail-config set -j nginx depend=php-fpm
appjail-config set -j php-fpm depend=mariadb

The appjail-stop(1) command will not stop the dependencies because the clients may be using the services offered by those jails. But, AppJail has a command to recursively stop the jail and its dependencies named appjail-rstop(1).

appjail-rstop(1) sorts the jails in the same way as appjail-start(1) does but in reverse order.

appjail rstop nginx

NGINX, PHP-FPM and MariaDB jails will be stopped in this order.

See also: