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AppJail's Virtual Networks is a useful feature for creating private and isolated networks. A jail can be on multiple Virtual Networks at the same time. For example, it is possible to have a jail on one network for development and another for production.


Organize your Virtual Networks using one of the following private spaces (RFC 1918):



We recommend using the default network without creating a Virtual Network manually unless you have a specific need.

appjail quick hello \
    virtualnet=":hello" \
    overwrite \

In the above case, appjail-quick(1) will run appjail-network(1) auto-create internally which will create a Virtual Network with some options defined in your AppJail configuration file, such as AUTO_NETWORK_NAME as its name, AUTO_NETWORK_ADDR as its address and AUTO_NETWORK_DESC as its description.

The virtualnet option is very interesting. As you can see it is defined as :hello. The double colon is necessary, because the network name has to be defined first, so when we use an "empty network name" it is just a hint for AppJail to create the default Virtual Network. After the double colon is the interface name, which in this case is hello. We can use some other special values such as:

  • <random>: A random interface name is chosen. We recommend this option over others.
  • <name>: The jail name is used. This option is recommended when planning to have only a few jails with unique names. This option can be problematic if we do not take into account that the jail name may have characters not allowed by an interface name. The length of the interface name must also be taken into account: 10 characters or less is preferable.

An example using <random>:

appjail quick hello \
    virtualnet=":<random>" \
    overwrite \

Creating a Virtual Network Manually

To create a virtual network, we can use the appjail-network(1) command, but we need three things: network address, CIDR and the network name. The following example creates a network named development using as the network address, and 24 as the CIDR.

appjail network add development

AppJail will load the following kernel modules before using this option:

  • if_bridge
  • bridgestp
  • if_epair

Now, we can create a jail that is on the development network by simply using the virtualnet option.

appjail quick myjail \
    virtualnet="development:myjail" \
    overwrite \

myjail is the interface name. This interface is created using cloning against if_epair(4), so two pairs will be created for both the host and the jail.

We will create another jail that will be on the same network as myjail to show its communication using ping(8).

appjail quick otherjail \
    virtualnet="development:otherjail" \
    overwrite \

To obtain the IP address of each jail we can use appjail-network(1) hosts.


# appjail network hosts -REj myjail       development


# appjail network hosts -REj otherjail       development
# appjail cmd jexec otherjail ping -c4
PING ( 56 data bytes
64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=64 time=0.175 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.164 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.165 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=64 time=0.163 ms

--- ping statistics ---
4 packets transmitted, 4 packets received, 0.0% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max/stddev = 0.163/0.167/0.175/0.005 ms

Instead of using appjail-network(1) add to create a new virtual network, you can specify one using the network option in appjail-quick(1).

appjail quick jdns \
    network="dns" \
    virtualnet="dns:jdns default" \
    start \

This is useful for when you need to run a Makejail in multiple environments without resorting to appjail-network(1) add, but for simple use cases consider the auto-created network using appjail-network(1) auto-create.